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अधिक मास

अधिक मास

साधारण दर 3 वर्षांनी आपण ऐकतो कि “अधिक मास” आला. हा शब्द माहित असण्याचे कारण म्हणजे ह्या महिन्यात लेकीला आणि जावयाला लक्ष्मी नारायणाचे रूप मानून जेवायला बोलवून त्यांचे कौतुक केले जाते. प्रत्येक ठिकाणच्या आपापल्या रूढी – परंपरा असतात. परंतु कधी ह्या अधिक मासा बद्दल जाणून घेतलंत का? अधिक मास का येतो? कधी येतो? चला आज त्या बद्दल थोडं बोलूयात.

अधिक मास म्हणजेच जास्तीचा महिना. हा दर वर्षी येत नाही. इंग्रजी कॅलेंडर मध्ये जसा दर ४ वर्षांनी फेब्रुवारीत एक दिवस वाढतो तास आपल्या पंचांगात दर ३२.५ महिन्यांनी एक अक्खा महिनाच वाढतो. या अतिरिक्त महिन्याला अधिक मास / माल मास / धोंड्याचा महिना / पुरुषोत्तम मास असेही म्हणतात.

सौर वर्ष 365 दिवसांचे असते आणि चांद्र वर्षात 354 दिवस असतात. सौर आणि चंद्र वर्षात 11 दिवसांचा फरक आहे, तो समतोल राखण्यासाठी दर 3 वर्षांनी चांद्र वर्षामध्ये एक महिना जोडला जातो.

अधिक मास सरासरी 32.5 महिन्यांनी येतो. याला पुढील महिन्याचे नाव दिले जाते. उदाहरणार्थ: जर श्रावणा महिन्याच्या आधी अधिक मास आला तर त्याला श्रावण महिन्याचेच नाव दिले जाईल आणि अधिक श्रावण मास सुरू होईल. या अधिक मासाच्या 30 दिवसांनंतर मूळ श्रावण मास सुरू होईल.

परंतु हे लक्षात ठेवा कि चांद्र वर्षातील मार्गशीर्ष, पौष आणि माघ महिन्यांत अधिक मास कधीच येत नाही. तसेच कार्तिक महिन्यातील अधिक मास अत्यंत दुर्मिळ असतो, तो 250 वर्षातून एकदाच येतो, शेवटचा तो 1963 मध्ये झाला होता.

हा अतिरिक्त महिना अशुभ मानला जातो. म्हणून या काळात कोणतेही शुभ कार्याची सुरवात किंवा शेवट करू नये. या 3 वर्षांच्या कालावधीत साठलेल्या कर्माचे परिणाम कमी करण्यासाठी भगवान विष्णूची प्रार्थना, जप, पूजा करण्याचा सल्ला दिला जातो.

काही जणांचा प्रश्न होता कि जर ह्या काळात मृत्यू सारखी घटना घडली तर पुढील विधी कसे करावेत?
शास्त्र असा सांगते कि, जर कुणाचा मृत्यू ह्या महिन्यात झाला तर पुढील दिवसांचे विधी त्याच महिन्यात करावेत. वर्ष श्रद्ध पुढील वर्षी त्याच महिन्यात करावे.

उदाहरणार्थ: जर एका व्यक्तीचा मृत्यू मागच्या वर्षी श्रावण महिन्यात झाला असेल तर, ह्या वर्षीचे वार्षिक श्राद्ध अधिक श्रावण मधेच करावे. तसेच जर अधिक श्रावण महिन्यात मृत्यू झालेला असल्यास पुढील वर्षी श्रावण महिन्यात वार्षिक श्राद्ध करावे.

आता श्रावण सारख्या महिन्यला अधिक मास जोडला गेला असेल तर व्रतवैकल्यांची सुरवात ह्या महिन्यात करू शकता जस की श्रावणी सोमवार. परंतु मंगळागौर मात्र अधिक मासात केली जात नाहीत. २०२३ मध्ये अधिक श्रावण सुरु झाल्यावर येत आहे त्यामुळे श्रावणातील २ मंगळवार झाल्यावर 5 मंगळवार (अधिक मासातील) विश्रांती आहे आणि मग पुन्हा २ मंगळागौर श्रावण महिन्यातल्या येत आहेत.


या वर्षी अधिक मास श्रावण महिन्याचा असून १८ जुलैला सुरु होईल आणि १६ ऑगस्टला अधिक मास संपेल.


Home Address

Phone No. : 91+ 749 9846 591


Address: Plot D-2, Telco Soc no 14, Sector 24, Kanch ghar chowk, Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune 411044

Office Address

Address:  Vision Plus, Datta Nagar Rd, Block B6, Datta Nagar, Transport Nagar, Nigdi, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411044.


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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.

Who should wear the Pearl?

Who should wear the Pearl?

We come across a lot of people sporting a pearl ring, and also get advised by loved ones and astrologers to wear one. This creates a stir in our minds…

“Should I wear a pearl? Of which shade? And the size?” “Should I prefer gold over silver? What difference would it make?” and the train of questions is neverending. Let’s find the answers to each of these.
Before proceeding, understand that wearing a pearl, or any precious stone for that matter, will not alter an individual’s innate behaviour, and any differences noticed may be temporary.

The answer to “who should” and “why should” questions is the same. Let’s tackle the “Why a pearl” question first.

In astrology, each planet is governed by a gem. In this case, pearls govern the Moon, which is the water element and coloured white. It signifies cool, calm and serene qualities. The colour white is symbolic of purity, simplicity, transparency, and cleanliness. A natural pearl forms inside a shell, which is found in water. A natural pearl is usually white (other colours exist, though rarely), which could be the reason it rules over the Moon. But similar to the planet, natural pearls aren’t bright white. It leans towards an off-white or a rosy pink tint.

The Moon rules over the mind. The human mind is quite sensitive and fickle. The timely and proper usage of a pearl can help transfer its calm characteristics to the mind.


The effects are very subtle. If the wearer is short tempered, a consistent touch of the pearl can bring an element of patience into their life. If one is depressed, or anxious, underconfident of decisions, or restless, the pearl usage can show more stability and assurity in their behaviour. The individual can notice an increase in their patience, clarity for thinking, less confusion, and even a decline in fearfulness or anxiety.

It is generally assumed that those individuals whose birthcharts have the Moon placed with either Rahu or Ketu mustn’t wear a pearl. But we can only be sure after a thorough examination of the Kundali itself.

One can find a variety of pearls and in multiple colours in the market these days. Identification of an authentic pearl is essential to avoid the commonly encountered fraudulent sales. A real pearl seems wholesome and solid to the touch, and may not have a perfectly round shape. It can be slightly elliptical, leaning more towards an oval. Its weight is substantial as well. In its stead, plastic/synthetic pearls are perfectly round and featherweight. Upon observing, you may find them to be of uniform size and shinier. Another kind, the artificial or altered pearls is familiar. These are said to be grown with organic shells and brought into contact with substances that would encourage the creatures inside to produce more pearls. Though there’s a natural process involved, we can see an element of interference and exploitation of life.

Once we procure the pearl to our liking, the question follows, “Which material should it be placed in?”. Truth be told, there’s no mandate on enveloping it in silver. It varies per the Kundali, and only an astrologer can determine if the person needs the fire element (agni tatva) or water element (jal tatva). If they need strength along with mental stability, or courage, or any other reason for the application of the agni tatva, only then must one engulf the pearl in gold. But if the fiery nature is present already, silver can help bring it under control, as silver is governed by the Moon.

After the metal, we come to the choice of the finger. A pearl ring is worn on the pinky, right for the men and left for the women. But I agree more with the system I learned from my Guru; the pearl must be worn as a pendant-necklace. A ring-enveloped pearl may be through the touch of others (voluntary or not), polluted. If the sanctity of the pearl cannot be maintained, how can it safeguard a sensitive thing such as our mind? This is why wearing it around the neck is better. The rule of choosing the metal applies here as well.
If wearing a pearl is reccomended, it must be authentic, white and possibly worn around the neck.


Home Address

Phone No. : 91+ 749 9846 591


Address: Plot D-2, Telco Soc no 14, Sector 24, Kanch ghar chowk, Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune 411044

Office Address

Address:  Vision Plus, Datta Nagar Rd, Block B6, Datta Nagar, Transport Nagar, Nigdi, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411044.


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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.



आत्ता पर्यंत तरी माझ्याकडे लग्नाचे प्रश्न घेऊन येणाऱ्यांची संख्या जास्त. त्यात ज्यांच्या पत्रिकेत मंगळ असेल ती माणसं, विशेष करून त्यांचे आई – वडील, हे इतके संभ्रमित असतात आणि १० ठिकाणी पत्रिका दाखवून तिथून इतक्या वेगवेगळ्या कल्पना डोक्यात बाळगून असतात आणि मनाचे समाधान मिळत नाही किंवा पटेल असे उत्तर मिळत नाही म्हणून परत ११ व्या जोतिषाच्या शोधात असतात.

पत्रिकेत मंगळ आहे म्हणजे काय?
पहिली गोष्ट म्हणजे प्रत्येक व्यक्तीच्या जन्म कुंडलीत सगळ्या १२ राशी आणि ९ ग्रह हे असतातच. कुंडलीतील ठराविक भावांमध्ये जेव्हां मंगळ ग्रह बसलेला असतो तेंव्हा त्याला मंगळाची पत्रिका किंवा मांगळीक म्हणतात.


कुंडली मध्ये १२ घरं/भाग असतात ज्याला जोतिष भाषेत भाव म्हणतात. त्यातील १ल्या, ४थ्या, ७व्या, ८व्या, किंवा १२व्या भावात (सोबतच्या चित्रात दाखवलाय तिथे) मंगळ ग्रह असेल तर ती व्यक्ती मांगळीक आहे असे समजतात. जेंव्हा ह्या ठराविक भवन मध्ये मंगळ ग्रह येतो तेंव्हा त्या व्यक्ती वरती मंगळाचा विशेष प्रभाव असतो.

मुळात आपल्याला आधी मंगळ म्हणजे काय हे जाणून घेणे गरजेचे आहे. मंगळ हा ग्रह मंडळाचा सेनापती आहे. सगळ्यांच्या रक्षणाची जबाबदारी त्याच्यावर आहे. आता हो सेनापती आहे तो शूरवीर, ताकदवान तर असणारच न. अशी माणसं शक्तिशाली असतात, एकनिष्ठ असतात, सतत डोक्यात कसले ना कसले प्लॅनिंग चालू असतात, पटकन चिडतात, सगळ्यांवरती त्यांचा दरारा असतो आणि सगळे त्यांना घाबरतातही, शिस्त प्रिय असतात. काही वेळेस त्यांना कर्तव्य पालनासाठी क्रूर सुद्धा व्हावे लागते आणि त्यात तो अग्नी तत्वाचा ग्रह आहे त्यामुळे अजून हट्टी आणि चिडके पणा आलाच. अगदी समजेल असे उदाहरण द्यायचे म्हणजे बाहुबली मधील कट्टप्पा डोळ्यासमोर आणा.
आता कळला का मंगळाचा स्वभाव?

अशा हा मंगळ जेव्हां कुंडलीत पहिल्या घरात येतो ते तेव्हां त्या व्यक्तीला (ज्याची हि पत्रिका आहे) ह्यातील बहुतांश स्वभाव गुण घेतो (अगदी तंतोतंत सगळे हेच गुण असतीलच असे नाही, त्यातही अनेक नियम लागू होतात). ४ था भाव मनाचा कारक भाव आहे, तिथे आला तर त्याव्यक्तीच्या मनावरती ह्या ग्रहाचा प्रभाव असतो. हे आणि अशी अनेक करणे आहेत, प्रत्येक भावात आल्यावर त्या व्यक्तीला मंगळाचा वेगळ्या ठिकाणी प्रभाव दिसून येतो.

पत्रिकेला मंगळ आहे म्हणजे ती व्यक्ती लगेच वाईट वृत्तीची किंवा काहीतरी महा भयंकर आजार झालेली व्यक्ती असल्या सारखे बघण्याची गरज नाही. त्यांचा स्वभाव, वर्तन हे इतरां पेक्षा थोडे कडक असते एवढाच. बऱ्याच ठिकाणी ह्याला मंगळ दोष असेही टायटल दिले जाते जे मला चुकीचे वाटते. मंगळ हा एकटा वाईट करण्याचे चान्सेस खूप कमी असतात. पत्रिकेत जर अजून कोणी ग्रह असा उच्छाद मांडणार असेल तर म्हणू शकतो कि ह्या व्यक्तीच्या नशिबी काही दोष लागलाय. कारण एका पत्रिकेसाठी एखादा ग्रह चांगला कि वाईट हे ठरवण्यासाठी अनेक मापदंड (पॅरामीटर्स) वापरले जातात. मग नुसता एकाच घटक पाहून लगेच त्याला दोष आहे असा सांगणं चुकीचे नाही का?

त्यामुळे ज्याला ह्या विद्येची कल्पना नाही, त्यातले काही काही काळात नाही अशी हि सामान्य व्यक्ती घाबरून जाते, गडबडून जाते.
हल्ली तर पैश्याच्या मोहा पोटी अनेकांना पत्रिकेत नसलेल्या योगसाठी शांती, होम, पूजा रत्ने सांगितली जाताना पाहते जेव्हां खूप वाईट वाटे. ह्यामुळे सामान्य माणसाचा जोतिष शास्त्रावरील विश्वास उडू लागलाय हे त्या लोकांना कळतच नाही.

जर पत्रिकेला मंगळ असेल तर काय करायचे? असा प्रश्न सगळे विचारतात. त्यासाठी मंगळाची अवस्था त्याचे डिग्रीज त्याचे स्थान सगळे पाहावे लागते. त्या नुसार त्याला योग्य जोडीदार निवडावा लागतो. अश्या व्यक्तीला योग्य जोडीदार म्हणजे शनीची पत्रिका. चित्रात दाखवल्या प्रमाणे जेथे मंगळ आहे तिथेच शनी आला कि झाली शनीची पत्रिका. शनीचीच का बरं बघायची पत्रिका?

कारण मंगळ जर ऊर्जा आहे तर शनी हा स्पंज आहे. मंगळाची ऊर्जा / त्याची ताकद झेलण्याची / एबझोरब करण्याची ताकद फक्त शनी मध्ये आहे. तुम्ही जर पूर्ण ताकदीने स्पंजच्या गाडीला मुक्का मारला तर काय होते? ती गाडी तुमचा फोर्स शोषून घेते आणि तिथेच सगळे संपते. पण तेच तुम्ही एखाद्या टणक भागावर तोच प्रयोग केला तर हाताला इजा होईल आणि तो भागही तुटेल किंवा वाकेल. हाच फरक आहे मंगळाला शनीची पत्रिका मॅच करण्यात आणि मंगळाला मंगळाची पत्रिका मॅच करण्यात मंगळ शनि थोडी शांतता दाखवू शकतात पण दोघेही मंगळ असतील तर एकाच्या हातात लाटण आणि एकाच्या हातात परात दिल्यासारखं होईल.

त्यामुळे आधी खरंच मंगळ किती स्ट्रॉंग आहे हे तपास आणि त्या नुसार अनुरूप जोडीदार निवडा


Home Address

Phone No. : 91+ 749 9846 591


Address: Plot D-2, Telco Soc no 14, Sector 24, Kanch ghar chowk, Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune 411044

Office Address

Address:  Vision Plus, Datta Nagar Rd, Block B6, Datta Nagar, Transport Nagar, Nigdi, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411044.


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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.

lakshmi puja

When to perform Lakshmi Puja-2022

lakshmi puja

When to perform Lakshmi Puja

When should we perform Lakshmi Puja? So as per Shastra – Lakshmi Puja is performed when the Sun is in Libra and the Moon is also in Libra and transiting through Swati Nakshatra on the Tithi Amavasya when that Tithi is seen the rising Sun in the Lunar month of Ashwin and the Ascendant of the Transit chart (Kundali) is of a fixed sign (rashi).


The Sun starts moving to the next sign mid of each month and the Moon moves to the next sign every 2.5 days. Every month when these two planets come together in a sign, there is a dark moon which is known as Amavasya.


This year, Amavasya Tithi in lunar month Ashwin begins on Monday 24th of October at 5:28 PM and ends on Tuesday 25th at 4:19 PM.


Sun is in Libra since 18th October. Moon however enters Libra on Monday 24th from 11:33 PM to 6:31 AM on 26th and Moon moves into Swati Nakshatra from 2:17 PM on 25th to 1:24 PM on the 26th.


Therefore, according to Shastra, Lakshmi Puja should be performed on Tuesday 25th between 2:17 PM and 4:19 PM. But this year, due to the solar eclipse (Khandgras Grahan) on October 25, it is not possible to perform Lakshmi Puja by following these rules.


The observation of the solar eclipse starts at 3:30 AM on Tuesday and lasts till sunset on Tuesday. At this time, Sun will not come out of the eclipse before the sunset. All over India, it will be observed that the sun will remain affected at the time of Sunset.


Therefore, Lakshmi Puja cannot be performed on the day when there is an eclipse. Hence, Lakshmi Puja can be performed on Monday 24 October from 5:28 PM onwards.


In Muhurta, the first house of the chart (Kundali) is named as Ascendant (Lagna). The Muhurta of every auspicious work is done during the time when there is a fixed nature sign in that house of Transit chart. At the same time, while studying more deeply, the Ascendant sign (Lagna) of D-9 Navamsha Kundali is also given importance. The Muhurta is considered best when Ascendant sign is of fixed nature in both horoscopes.


Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Among them, Pisces Ascendant (Lagna) will be from 5:28 PM to 5:32 PM in Transit chart, 05:32 to 07:17 is Aries Ascendant and 07:17 to 09:17 is Taurus Ascendant which is considered to be most beneficial for worship as it is a fixed sign. Then from 09:17 PM to 11:30 PM is Gemini Ascendant.

In a Transit chart of Taurus Ascendant, fixed signs Ascendant of Navamsha chart are Taurus 20:27 to 20:29, Leo 20:56 to 21:10, Scorpio 21:39 to 21:53 and Aquarius Navamsha 22:22 to 22:37.
You can perform this year’s Lakshmi Puja according to the above information and according to your convenience.


** On Naraka Chaturdashi, Abhyanga Snan mhurta is at 5:20 AM


May this Diwali bring happiness, peace, satisfaction, wealth, and health in all of our lives!


* In this article the Timings are as per Indian Standard Time and are recorded as per the Date Panchang


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Every person wishes positive outcome of his/her actions, work, events, or rituals. That’s the reason many of us do activities by Muhurta to support our fortune. But do you think that a one-time slot is beneficial for everyone? Is success assured by only electing an auspicious day and time?

An auspicious time elected from Panchang (Vedik Calendar), according to the nature of the activity by comparing that timeline with the Kundali of a person is called Muhurta.

The Muhurta period maximizes the chances or positivity of the result if it is predicted in the birth chart.

There are different combinations of Panchang elements suggested by our sages for all different events/rituals.

Many people go only with the ready reckoner mentioned in Panchang. But everyone has to remember that the Muhurta has to be elected only after comparing it with the birth chart.

Electing a Muhurta doesn’t mean that choosing one of the auspicious days and times will work for everyone. Here the birth chart of an individual should be considered a higher priority.

Muhurta is elected by looking into the birth chart of that person. The first step is to confirm whether the event is there in his/her destiny or not by reading the birth chart. If the event can be confirmed from the birth chart, then comes the Mahadasha and Gocher system in the second step which indicates the time period for the native in when the event can take place.

After this comes to the Muhurta as the final step. This means from multiple auspicious dates and times one has to choose the most suitable for the native’s birth chart.

In Kundali there is a total of 12 houses out of which few are considered inauspicious/bad houses. While electing Muhurta 2 Kundalis are to be made, one is the native’s birth chart and the second is of the elected time as Muhurta (Gocher). So the rule of thumb is the main house (Lagna or Karyesh bhava) of the Muhurta chart should not be the same as inauspicious houses from native’s birth charts, else the task/event may not benefit and could give negative effects on the native’s life.

Hence it is advised to elect a suitable Muhurta for auspicious ceremonies/poojas like Marriage ceremonies, Gruha Pravesh, Inaugurations, Lakshmi Poojan, etc, where the native is expecting positive results of the actions.


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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.


What’s My Rashee?


What’s My Rashi?

A lot of us try to find their own zodiac sign, called the rashi in Vedic astrology. It requires 3 simple details: Your birth date (per the Gregorian calendar, that is the current universal dating system), (birthtime as close to accuracy as possible), and your birthplace. An astrologer can draw your Kundali from this information, or if you have a premade Kundali, it’s even easier.

There are a total of 12 zodiacs,
1) Aries (Mesh), 2) Taurus (Vrushabh), 3) Gemini (Mithun), 4) Cancer (Kark), 5) Leo (Sinh), 6) Virgo (Kanya), 7) Libra (Tul), 8) Scorpio (Vrushchik), 9) Sagittarius (Dhanu), 10) Capricorn (Makar), 11) Aquarius (Kumbh), 12) Pisces (Meen)

Three types of signs are prevalent: Moon sign – Sun sign – Lagna-sign.


When you look at your birth chart, you may see a title “Ascendant” or “D-1”, or “Janma Lagna Kundali”. It will provide you with all the above-mentioned types of rashis.

The 12 houses in the birth chart are called Bhavas. The central, diamond-shaped Bhava is the Lagna or Ascendant. This is in no way connected to the marriage form of the word. You may see “Asc” written in the space. Your Lagna-sign is determined by the number written in the Lagna Bhava; the number signifies the position of the rashi in the zodiacs. For example, if my Lagna Bhava has the number 8 written in it, then my Lagna-sign is Scorpio.

The numbered rashi in which you see “Mo” written is, similarly, your Moon sign. For example, if Mo is written in the 5th rashi, then my Moon sign is Leo.

The third type, the Sun sign, can be found like the Moon sign. The rashi bhava in which you see “Su” written is your Sun sign. For example, if I see Su written in the 3rd rashi in my birth chart, my Sun sign is Gemini.

How can the layman use the rashis?
The sign in the Lagna Bhava changes after 2 hours every day approximately. This is why one must be aware of their precise birth time.

The Moon is posited in a rashi for approximately 2.5 days, hence if the change in rashi does not occur close to your birthtime, your Moon sign will not change. The horoscope you see told in the daily newspapers, magazines, television shows, etc. are told for our Moon signs, and we must understand accordingly. A person’s temperament is determined from the Lagna and Moon signs, but you would need an astrologer’s assistance to understand it.

The Sun, however, is posited in a sign for 30 days. We can definitely point out your birth month based on the Sun’s position. It shifts around the middle of the English months, viz. between 13th-17th. Around the 14th or 15th of January, the Sun lies in Capricorn, and moves to Aquarius at 14th/15th February, and so on.
Are the Signs per Western Astrology the same as the Vedic Moon sign and Sun sign?

No. Western astrology allots signs according to the dates. We can establish a connection with the Sun’s movement through the zodiac circle but the other aspects are quite distinct; especially the Moon sign because of the swift pace of change in the Moon’s position. If and when one’s birth chart per the Western tradition matches with that drawn from the Vedic tradition, consider it a coincidence.

Find out what your Lagna, Sun and Moon rashis are.


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Connection of Durva and Lord Ganesh

Connection of Durva and Lord Ganesh

Connection of Durva and Lord Ganesh

The word Durva is derived from the words duhu and avamDurva brings the distant pure spiritual particles (pavitraks) of God closer to the devotee.

According to mythology once, a demon named Analasura caused havoc in the heavens. He emitted fire from his eyes and destroyed whatever came in his way. All the demi-gods fled and sought Lord Ganesh’s help against the demon. Ganesh assured them that He would finish off the demon and restore peace.

In the battlefield, Analasura started attacking Lord Ganesha with fireballs and eventually tried to gulp him down. At that moment, Lord Ganesh showed him in His original form of ‘Virat Roop’ and swallowed the demon, instead.

This gave Him a strong burning sensation in his stomach. When all else failed to provide Him relief, finally, a few sages came with 21 Durvas and they offered it to Him. After eating the Durvas, miraculously, the heat evaporated! Thus, it became one of His favorite food items. Then onward it became a part of ritual to offer Lord Ganesh a bunch of 21 or 11 durva grass. It is due to the release of the deity’s principle through the Durva, the adverse effect of the raja-tamo guans predominant principles in the environment is reduced.

The Durva grass with 3 or 5 leafs (blades) are called Durvankur. Durva grass blades are always thin. The other grass which has broad blades are not Durva. Durva should be offered in a set of 21 or 11 or 51 to Lord Ganesh after dipping it in to the water. While offering the set or the bunch always remove the thread or rubber band tied at the bottom of the Burvas.

II Ganpati Bappa Morya II

Chant below 10 mantras while offering Durva to Lord Ganesh

ॐगणाधिपायनमः ॐउमापुत्रायनमः
ॐविघ्ननाशनाय्नमः ॐविनायकायनमः
ॐईशपुत्रायनमः ॐसर्वसिध्दिप्रदायनमः
ॐएकदंतायनमः ॐइभवक्त्रायनमः
ॐमुशाकवाहनायनमः ॐकुमारगुरवेनमः


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Yen baddho Bali raja, danavendra mahabalah ।
Ten tvaam abhibaddhanami rakshe ma chala ma chala ॥

This mantra is to be recited when tying a rakhi. The occasion of Rakshabandhan falls on Thursday the 11th of August this year.

It says, “I bind you with the very protective thread that tied the demon King Bali to dharma, and request you to adhere to dharma and protect me.”

This festival celebrates the brother-sister relationship; if not siblings then cousins, or even a rakhi-brother, wherein a woman honours a man with the sacred thread considering him as her brother. But there have been cases in our history wherein a wife ties it to her husband or friends tie it to each other as a promise of protection.

One such story is that of Indra and Shachi (alternatively known as Indrani). In the Puranic tales, it is believed that the first rakhi must be tied to one’s husband instead of the brother. During a battle between the Devas and Daityas, Shachi asked Krishna for counsel regarding her husband’s safety. He gave her a sacred thread to fasten around Indra’s wrist that would guard him from any calamity.

A tale in the Mahabharata shows the bond between two friends Krishna and Draupadi. Once, he cut his finger, and Draupadi promptly tore a piece of her saree to bind the wound. To appreciate his friend’s caring gesture, he promised to safeguard her. We’re reminded of this promise when Draupadi was dragged to Dhritrashtra’s court by Dushasan, and Krishna shielded her honour.

Per the Vishnu Puran, King Bali (the aforementioned demon King and Prahlad’s grandson) requested him to provide protection. He travelled to his kingdom in the guise of a doorkeeper. Goddess Laxmi soon began worrying about her husband, and hoped for his safe return. She had a plan; in the holy month of Shravan, she tied a coloured thread on Bali’s wrist and honoured him as her brother. He gave her the gift of fulfilling one wish, which was to free her husband from his oath.

Similarly, Alexander the Great’s Bactrian wife Roxana had sent King Puru a rakhi with a request that he should not harm her husband. Humayun was sent a rakhi from Rana Sanga’s widow for providing defense against Bahadur Shah of Gujarat. The Sikh Queen Jindan, Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s wife, had sent a rakhi to the Nepali King Jung Bahadur. After the accession of Ranjit Singh’s empire to the British, Jung Bahadur gave her shelter as a part of his brotherly promise.

All these tales impart the same knowledge, the calibre of this sacred thread tied on the pure full moon of Shravan- an individual requesting the other to provide security and the other fulfilling their oath.


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oti bharan

Oti Bharan

oti bharan

Oti Bharan

As the lunar month of Shravan commences, we see an array of festivities for married women, called Suvasinis. The term means “the one who brings good fortune to the house”. One of the primary activities they carry out in this season is the Oti Bharan. It holds great importance in Hinduism, especially in Maharashtra. May it be a marriage, baby shower, christening ceremony, a daughter leaving for her husband’s house, or a married woman invited for a festive lunch, the Oti Bharan takes place without fail.

The main purpose behind this is the passing on of good wishes for childbearing from one married woman to another. In Marathi, the oti stands for the lower abdomen, the womb itself. When performing the ritual, the giver transfers the material from a makeshift sack of her own sari to the receiver’s lap or dupatta, and pours handfuls of rice thrice or five times. She blesses the receiving suvasini to carry forward her lineage, and be given the gift of motherhood. This ritual is never performed for unmarried maidens or widowed women.

Along with haldi-kunkum, uncooked rice, a betel nut (supari), a coconut, betel leaves, hair garlands/flowers are the main ingredients. Sometimes, we may see the inclusion of fruits and coins/money.

When performing the ceremony, haldi and Kunkum is applied to the suvasini’s forehead with the help of the finger next to the little finger, supported by the thumb. The pigments signify her married status and can be inferred as a prayer for her husband’s longevity. The rice is symbolic of sanctity, fertility and abundance.

The supari is just as essential to the ceremony. It is called the varshaayu phal or perennial fruit because of the time it takes to ripen. It is nourished with the qualities of all three seasons, and withstands the weather due to its innate strength. Hence it is a signifier of constancy, persistence and a strong bond. In Oti Bharan, it brings a meaning of completeness.

Along with the betel nut, an unpeeled coconut is also included. The coconut is called Shreefal, and the tree is a Kalpavruksh. Per the scriptures, a tree which is useful through its each part is categorized as a Kalpavruksh. A fruit so hard from the exterior and soft on the inside is nothing less of a miracle. It is symbolic of a nourishing womb.

These two are presented on two betel leaves. Betel, or Areca leaves are used due to their healing properties over the Tridoshas (Vaata-pitta-kafa). They are given to wish good health upon the receiver.
Apart from this, some like to include bananas, apples, pears or similar fruits. All fruits are symbolic of wholeness. A tree bearing fruits is compared with a woman’s ability of childbearing, and hence gifting her with a fruit is to wish that her womb may bear fruit of child soon. The flowers or garlands keep her headspace happy through their sweet smell.

Giving money in envelopes is quite a modern practice. Previously, as a form of clothing, a blouse piece was kept. But today we prefer to find our own matching sets, hence the cash serves as a replacement.

Oti Bharan holds importance until the woman has menstruation cycles. But it is also done afterward to wish her good motherhood and married life. Both the giver and the receiver must be married women.

The scriptures allow a woman to perform the ritual for her mother only during the time of Adhik-maas. Usually, the mother does Oti Bharan for her daughter when she is leaving for her in-laws’ house but the reverse is possible only in this period. It is to express the wish to be born from her womb in the next birth. However, she must never perform Oti Bharan for her mother-in-law. This is because she has passed on the fruit of her love in the care of her daughter-in-law, and Oti Bharan would symbolize returning it.


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Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

Uttarayan and Dakshinayan

We know that a year contains two solstices, or Aayanants, which mark the movement of the Earth on the East-West directional axis. It takes a year for us to complete a circular rotation around the Sun, viz. East-West and West-East. Due to our position, we perceive the Sun revolving around us instead of the other way around. Hence, we observe that the Sun moves from South to North during December-June (Summer Solstice) and from North to South during June-December (Winter Solstice).

The summer solstice is also known as Uttarayan. It begins around 22nd December and lasts for 6 months. We experience the seasons of Late Winter, Spring, and Summer during this time. Uttarayan serves as a symbol of positivity, and auspicious activities are encouraged to be performed in this time span. The days happen to be longer than nights in the summer solstice.

Dakshinayan is the name for winter solstice. It commences around 22nd June approximately. There is a marked difference in the daylight; the nights are longer than the days. At the beginning, we experience monsoon, followed by autumn and winter. Dakshinayan is associated with negativity, which is why auspicious activities or rituals are not recommended to be performed in this stretch.

The beginning of Uttarayan is celebrated in Hinduism with the festival of Makar Sankranti which takes place very close to the date of the actual Uttarayan movement. The Puranas further supplement its sanctity- It is believed to be the day that the Ganga River descended to the Earth from Heaven; even Bhishma Pitamah waited until the arrival of Uttarayan to sacrifice his life.

The ritual of Magh Snan prescribes bathing in holy rivers, and is one of the occasions of the Uttarayan festivities. This is because summers bring clear skies and enlightenment from the gods; Uttarayan is their daytime. Similarly, the cloudy skies of Dakshinayan symbolise night time. In terms of sadhana, Uttarayan is for enlightenment and Dakshinayan is for purification.

This year Uttarayan will end and Dakshinayan will start on Saturday 16 July 2022.


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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.