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The time chosen to perform an activity successfully is called Muhurta. Muhu means moment and Ruta means season, hence a moment in the particular season. The quality of Muhurta (the chosen time) outlines the result of our efforts. Muhurtais the base on Panchang, which explains the 5 elements (Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yog, Karan) along with the planetary transit through Nakshatras and Rashis on each day, which helps us to elect the day and time as Muhurta for the activity planned.


Perfect combination of 5 elements of Panchang and correct transit of Planets is just not enough to elect a Muhurta. It is necessary to consider the Natal chart of the person who is going to perform the rituals / activity. The Panchang and the planetary transit has to be favourable for the Native on the day and time of Muhurta.

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Disclaimer: Astrological services are based on information given by clients and the Astrologer (author) is not liable and responsible for any correctness of analysis or any loss occurred due to the analysis as the same is given basis on the planet status as of the day of prediction.