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अधिक मास

अधिक मास साधारण दर 3 वर्षांनी आपण ऐकतो कि "अधिक मास" आला. हा शब्द माहित असण्याचे कारण म्हणजे ह्या महिन्यात लेकीला आणि जावयाला लक्ष्मी नारायणाचे रूप मानून जेवायला बोलवून त्यांचे कौतुक केले जाते. प्रत्येक ठिकाणच्या आपापल्या रूढी - परंपरा असतात ...

Who should wear the Pearl?

Marathi Who should wear the Pearl? We come across a lot of people sporting a pearl ring, and also get advised by loved ones and astrologers to wear one. This creates a stir in our minds... "Should I ...


Marathi Shadāshtak The Shadāshtak Yog is one looked upon with great agitation and distress. This happens due to misinformation among the public: either they aren't aware of its exact meaning or do not know its implications. Let's break ...


Hindi मांगळीक आत्ता पर्यंत तरी माझ्याकडे लग्नाचे प्रश्न घेऊन येणाऱ्यांची संख्या जास्त. त्यात ज्यांच्या पत्रिकेत मंगळ असेल ती माणसं, विशेष करून त्यांचे आई – वडील, हे इतके संभ्रमित असतात आणि १० ठिकाणी पत्रिका दाखवून तिथून इतक्या वेगवेगळ्या कल्पना ...
lakshmi puja

When to perform Lakshmi Puja-2022

Marathi When to perform Lakshmi Puja When should we perform Lakshmi Puja? So as per Shastra - Lakshmi Puja is performed when the Sun is in Libra and the Moon is also in Libra and transiting through Swati ...


Marathi Muhurta Every person wishes positive outcome of his/her actions, work, events, or rituals. That’s the reason many of us do activities by Muhurta to support our fortune. But do you think that a one-time slot is beneficial ...


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