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Varna Kuta (Goona-milan)

In my last article we discussed about the importance and usefulness of Goon-milan of bride and groom for a healthy married life. Now let us understand how exactly the Goon-milan helps. To understand this you don’t need to be an astrologer and only need to follow Panchang tables with simple to understand rules for each factor of Goon-milan.


Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, GrahaMaitri, Gana, RahiKuta and Nadi are the 8 Ashtakuta(factors) which compares the compatability of any couple. The Ashtakuta makes a total of 36 Goon with defined weights for each factor in the Panchang


Let us understand the 1st factor which is Varna Kuta (Social Class) which contributes 1 point in the 36 goon total.


Varna has nothing to do with the current cast system. In the era of Vedik period it was designed to segregate people by inherent qualities and not by family name or background. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are 4 Varnas(social class) described in Vedas to distinguish the 4 classes of people based on qualities. Thesevarnasare now used to divide the population since Kaliyuga for political gain.


Varna explains the quality of a person. A person born in a Brahmin family might have Kshatriya qualities or a person born in a lower cast can also have Vaishya qualities.


Brahmin Varna also known as Vipra, gives ability to learn, understand, think before act, dignity, religious depth, and priest qualities.


Kshatriya Varna indicates a strong physic, proud, hardworking and fearless individual.


Vaishya Varna specifies the qualities of a merchant, business acumen, money management.


Shudra Varna relates to qualities like service to others, following orders.


Let us understand the real meaning of the word “Shudra”. A human being who has few capabilities compared to the abilities of Bhramin / Kshatriya / Vaishya is put in to the category of “Shudra”. Individuals in this category generally work as an assistants to the other 3 categories.


Each Varna scores full marks when matched with same social class. It has been observed that Groom’s Varna can match with the same or any lowerclass. But for the Bride’s Varna it matches with same or upper class only. This could have been designed for the advancement of women in a patriarchal society assuming higher class would take better care of a bride financially and by honour.


Marriage is still allowed if Varna Kuta scores zero/do not match. In this case the degree of mutual understanding will be lesser than other cases.


Use the following chart to match the Varna Kuta of a couple:



Vipra /


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